Free free Palestine!

Free free Palestine!
A 30-foot by 60-foot Palestinian flag at the UBC encampment

I’m not giving this newsletter a trigger warning, because the innocent Palestinian men, women, and children who are being murdered indiscriminately as you read these words sure aren’t getting one.

If you’ve got a heart and a mind, you know there is a genocide happening in Gaza and Rafah right now. This horrific violence is being committed by the zealous Zionists of the Israeli Occupation Force, brainwashed by Baby Brain Netanyahu, funded by Genocide Joe, and supported by Cool Uncle Justin. 

All eyes should be on Rafah, but if we pay attention to something at home, it should be the brave student protesters putting themselves on the line. They are calling for widespread divestment from Israel, while sharing knowledge, solidarity, and protection for each other. They are peacefully gathering in encampments on campuses — in post secondary institutions, or even high schools — and in dozens of other locations around the world.

The problem is: when the media turns its attention to these demonstrations — while the ruling class sends in the jackbooted thugs of the National Guard, arresting, harassing, and intimidating students and other faculty members like it’s Kent State all over again — this is a blatant, cynical, and violent attempt to distract us from what’s really happening in Palestine. 

The demonstrators' demands are clear and simple. Any violence cited on campuses — specifically with the laughable charges of “anti-Semitism” (which is dangerously on the rise elsewhere — as seen in Charlottesville, and as heard from Kanye West, Nick Fuentes, and Marjorie Taylor Green) — is coming from the cops, the Zionists, and their cronies. Don’t fall for their hateful, bullshit propaganda!

Last week, I was blessed to be one of the people who delivered a giant Palestinian flag to the UBC encampment. A group of flag makers that I greatly admire volunteered their time to sew the massive 30-foot by 60-foot symbol of solidarity.

As you can see above, the flag was simply too big to take a proper photo. That didn't bother me because I know it's going to look even more amazing at a march — when it’s carried by 100 hands and filmed from above — flowing through the streets like a giant, kindly, black, white, and green dragon blowing a red triangle of fire to protect us against evil.

When we were at the encampment, I met a wonderful Palestinian woman named Abir. She thanked us for making and bringing the flag, and said it filled her heart with hope.

When I told Abir that I was Jewish, she and I pulled down our masks and looked each other straight in the eyes. The truth is that she looks exactly like my family members, and she told me what her grandmother told her: before the British colonizers, Jews and Palestinians had no problems with each other.

No matter what the Ivy League racists, fascists, and capitalists try to tell us — desperately attempting to maintain the facade of their deeply flawed status quo — the truth is that we are all the same: united by our love, and our fight against empire. We don't want the disgusting, toxic future that they're trying to force down our throats. Together, we can build something better for us all.

Feeling powerless in the face of injustice? Why not deprive billionaires of your money? If you'd like to join the boycott divest sanction (BDS) movement in so-called Canada, read this website and take action:

Free free Palestine!